전기방사를 이용한 S-keratose/Nylon 6 부직포의 제조

Preparation of S-keratose/Nylon 6 Nonwoven Webs by Electrospinning

  • 김진원 (전북대학교 섬유공학과) ;
  • 송경근 (전북대학교 섬유공학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


Oxidation method was used to extract S-keratose from wool. Wool was treated with performic acid and soluble fraction(S-keratose) was collected by evaporating the solvent. S-keratose and Nylon 6 were dissolved in formic acid at the ratio of 100/0, 80/20, 50/50, 20/80, and 0/100, and S-keratose/Nylon 6 web of sub-micron size was made by electro-spinning technique. SEM, EA, FT-IR, XRD, and TGA were used to characterize the properties of S-keratose/Nylon 6 solutions and electrospun fibers. As the Nylon 6 content increased, viscosity, conductivity of the electrospinning solution and the diameter of spun fiber increased. Electrospun nonwoven webs have the same S-keratose/Nylon 6 ratios of the spinning solutions. The crystalline structures of S-keratose and Nylon 6 existed separately in the electrospun webs. Thermal stability of the webs increased due to Nylon 6 content.



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