The purpose of this study is to propose and introduce Accidents Prevention Remedies(APRs) and their priorities especially for Accident Causing factors(ACFs) drawn by surveying and analyzing how much foreign workers in Korea have been exposed to dangers at a construction site. At frist as a result of the analysis of the questionnaire which 59 foreign industrial trainees working at the construction sites in Seoul-Kyunggi area had responsed, 12 ACFs and 11 APRs were put out by using the SPSS programme. Then, through the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) about the questionnaire from 96 safety and civil engineers who have experienced in managing foreign labor at the construction sites all over the country, the APRs given their priorities of relative importances are as follows; First, it is absolutely necessary that every working order to foreign workers should be made more definitely in accordance with a concrete process schedule. Second, the owners should increase investments in improving foreign workers' welfare in order to minimize their potential human error. Third, Korean language education programme for simple technical terms should be made and executed at least.