HLA/RTI 기반의 교통류 분산 시뮬레이션 모형에 관한 연구

Development of Traffic Simulation Using High Level Architecture/Run Time Infrastructure

  • 발행 : 2005.12.09


There are plenty of optimization models for the signal-system of a single intersection and area traffic. Some of those models are adopted for the real traffic signal control system. The simulators for a single crossroad have been developed, so that we could evaluate optimization models and traffic control systems. However, the simulators for the area traffic are still being developed. Therefore, there are many limitations in the analysis and evaluation for area traffic control system. The area traffic is consisted of several intersections which are very complicated and many traffic strategies are adopted for the control system. This paper features an effective area traffic control system based on the High Lever Architecture(HLA). In this paper, we discuss the design of HLA-based area traffic control simulation. We describe technical motivations for the HLA, the key elements of the architecture and how they are minimum and essential to the goal of reuse and interoperability. A distributed simulation with HLA/RTI provides stable and satisfactory experimental results. Moreover, the prototype traffic control system provides reliable accomplishment compared to the NETSIM and TRANSYT-7F models.
