단위수산업협동조합의 이사회제도에 대한 수용자태도분석

Analysis of Accepters' Attitudes toward the Board of Directors System of Fisheries Cooperatives

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


According to the Fisheries Cooperative Law, the Fisheries Cooperative has made a substantial contribution to the development of Korea's fisheries industry amid the nation's rapid economic growth and drastic social changes since its establishment in April 1st 1962, It is, however, generally believed that the cooperative has made a poor performance in improving its business constitution. Therefore, the reform of its board of director system is one of the ways to strengthen the constitution. For the purpose of making the board of director system to operate rationally, this dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter I provides an overview of this study, such as research background and objectives. Chapter II focuses on the Fisheries Cooperative's board of director: its function, composition, and election. Chapter III analyzes the responses of the Fisheries cooperatives to questionnaires about the board of director system, and subsequently presents the causes and the meaning of the analysis results. Chapter IV deals with the various ways to improve the Fisheries Cooperative's board of director system, including director and cooperative governance. Finally, Chapter V draws a conclusion of this study. The independent function of the Cooperative's board of director and responsible directorship is one of the most important factors which can prevent the Cooperative from insolvency. Unlike the past, not only it has become difficult to keep the Cooperative's business under the government's support, but also the Cooperative itself is now facing a situation where the support from the government cannot be expected. This ist he reason why the Cooperative should manage itself autonomously, workout its organization, and respond to the current situation with a renovativemanagement and business strategy. Therefore, a rational operation of the board of director is urgently needed.
