The Ecological Management and Characteristics of Bird Communities at the World Cup Park in Seoul

서울시 월드컵공원 야생조류 군집 특성 및 생태적 관리방안

  • 한봉호 (서울시립대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 김정호 (서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원) ;
  • 손병도 (서울시 한강관리사업소) ;
  • 이경재 (서울시립대학교 조경학과)
  • Published : 2005.12.31


This study was conducted to examine the inhabitation of wild birds at the World Cup Park and to offer the Park ecological management data. Land use md actual vegetation were examined to analyze the inhabitation of wild birds. Characteristics of bird communities were analyzed by dominance, density, diversity index and guild concept. You compare inhabitation before and after the Park was built. We classified the land use and actual vegetation into twenty-six types. Robinia pseudoacacia dominated the study area. Pyeonghwa Park and Nanji-cheon Park were simple-layer structures composed of alien woody species. The observed birds after the World Cup Park included 33 families 77 species, and 9,751 individuals. Among Wild Life types, the shrub and bush type was dominant. There were 26 species of resident birds, 20 species of summer visitors, 18 species of winter visitors, and 12 species of passage migrants. The following numbers of species and individuals were observed: in Hanul park, 38 species, 3,151 individuals; in Noul park, 45 species, 2,061 individuals; in Nanji-cheon park, 42 species, 2,742 individuals; in Pyeonghwa park, 29 species, 875 individuals; and in Maebongsan(Mt.) area, 35 species, 922 individuals. Species diversities for each area were as follows: Noul park, 2.613; Hanul park, 2,301; Nanji-cheon, 2.228; and Pyeonghwa park, 2,019; and each season: summer, 2.652; spring, 2.650: winter, 2.561; and autumn 2.176. The diversity of species increased from 1.135 in 1994 to 2.324 in 2001. We recommended that the park be differented into different ecological areas in order to encourage the appearance of wild birds at the World Cup Park. The management area was divided into three districts(conservation area, preservation and restoration area, use area). The conservation area was established to the west of a waste landfill and in the downstream area of NanJi-cheon, the preservation and restoration area was established in the midstream area of Nanji-cheon, and the use area was established in the buffer zone of Pyeonghwa Park and the Nanji pond greenspace.



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