미용 종사자들의 근골격계 질환에 영향을 주는 요인 분석

A Study on Affecting Factors of Musculoskeletal Disease among Hair Dressers

  • 송미라 (광주 동강대학 피부미용과) ;
  • 손부순 (순천향대학교 환경보건학과)
  • Song, Mi-Ra (Department of Cosmetology, Dong Kwang College of Kwangju) ;
  • Son, Bu-Soon (Department of Environmental Health Science, Soonchunhyang University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


This study was designed to provide basic data on preventive plans by affecting factors that have analysed on musculoskeletal diseases. The survey were conducted from July 1 to 30, 2004 among 600 hair dressers working in Seoul and Gwangju using self-administration questionnaire. The results of this study are summarized as follows: The pain experience rate of musculoskeletal diseases. in the last one year was $55.2\%,\;35.7\%$ of respondents answered they had pain on shoulders, $30.6\%$ had pain on legs and feet, $28.9\%$ had pain on waist, $26.8\%$ had hands, fingers and wrist, $22.3\%$ had pain on necks and $17.6\%$ had pain arms and elbows more than disease on necks, shoulders, arms and elbows, hands, fingers and wrists, waist, shoulders legs and feet. The prevalence rate of the last week was $40.3\%$. The prevalence rate in each body parts of the last week was $23.3\%$ on legs and feet, $21.2\%$ on shoulders, $20.8\%$ on waist, $14.9\%$ on hands, fingers and wrists, $14.4\%$ on necks, $9.3\%$ on arms. Based on the results above, working posture, job stress and physical burden from task are highly related with pain. In order to prevent musculoskeletal disease of hairdressers, working posture shall be improved and leisure opportunities to relieve stress, and health management education shall be provided.



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