청소년이 지각한 가족기능과 희망과의 관계

Relationship between Family Function and Hope in Adolescents

  • 우선혜 (경상대학교 간호학과 교수) ;
  • 노지영 (삼현여자고등학교 보건교사) ;
  • 박영숙 (계명대학교 간호대학 교수)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Purpose: This study is a descriptive correlation survey with the purpose of identifying the relationship between family function and hope in adolescents. It was done to provide basic data for developing family centered nursing strategies to promote adolescents' hope. Methods: The subjects of this study were 1030 high school students in J city. Data were analyzed with SPSS 10.0 program. Frequencies and percentages were used to compare the subjects' general characteristics. Minimum values, maximum values, mean scores and mean grades were used to identify the level of family function and hope. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to analyze the relationship between family function and hope in adolescents, and t-test, ANOVA, and Scheffe test were used to examine the level of family function and hope by general characteristics. Results: 1. The level of adolescents' family function ranged from 26 to 97, the mean score was 66.85$\pm$13.16, and the mean grade was 2.76$\pm$0.52. 2. The level of adolescents' hope ranged from 55 to 153, the mean score was 111.48$\pm$17.64 and the mean grade was 2.78$\pm$0.44. 3. It showed that there is a significantly positive correlation (r=0.546, p=.000) between adolescents' family function and hope. That is, the better family function adolescents have, the higher level of hope they have. 4. Adolescents' family function showed significant differences according to school record (F=6.363, p=.002), school life satisfaction (F=4.922, p=.007), father's education (F=2.640, p=.048), mother's education (F=3.586, p=.013) and domestic economy status(F=3.022, p=.049). 5. Adolescents' hope showed significant differences according to religion (t=2.018, p=.044), school type (t=2.567, p=.010), school record (F=9.712, p=.000), school life satisfaction (F=11.367, p=.000), father's education (F=4.632, p=.003), mother's education (F=4.709, p=.003), domestic economy status (F=4.235, p=.015), relationship with friends (F=8.187, p=.000), and subjective health condition (F=5.490, p=.001). Conclusion: First, in order to improve adolescents' family function, which encourages hope in adolescents, it is necessary to develop nursing interventions and to make further studies. Second, it is necessary to develop instruments for improving Korean adolescents' family function and hope. Third, further studies are required to improve adolescents' family function and hope in special situations such as disease, drug abuse and juvenile delinquent.



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