중학생들의 다중지능과 기술적 문제해결력과의 관계

The Relationship between the Multiple Intelligence and the Technological Problem Solving of Middle school students

  • 발행 : 2005.03.31


The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between the Multiple Intelligence and the technological problem solving and the differences between the two. There were a group of 200 third grade middle school students that were comprised of 100 boys and 100 girls and what the difference is exited between the boys and the girls. To measure the students' Multiple Intelligence, MI(Multiple Intelligent)Test designed by Youngrin, Moon was used. As the testing instrument of the Technological problem Solving, we use the test developed by National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Students Testing(CRESST). The results were; First, In comparison with the boys and girls' multiple intelligence part, there were individual differences in musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, and naturalistic intelligence of multiple intelligence. Second, In comparison to the technological problem solving part, there were individual differences in self-regulation and there was a mild difference in understanding of the contents. Third, The multiple intelligence related with the self-regulation is continuous with logical-mathematical intelligence, intra-personal intelligence and linguistic intelligence. Fourth, The multiple intelligence related with the technological problem solving strategy is continuous with logical-mathematical intelligence and musical intelligence. Fifth, The multiple intelligence related with the understanding of the contents is continuous with the logical-mathematical intelligence and naturalistic intelligence. To improve the students' technological problem solving ability, it is required the development of the curriculum which focus on the improvement of logical-mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, intra-personal intelligence, linguistic intelligence and naturalistic intelligence of the students.



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