공업계 고등학교 학생의 장독립·장의존 인지양식과 기술적 문제해결과의 관계

The relationship between a cognitive styles and a technological problem solving among the industrial high school students

  • 이창훈 (충남대학교 대학원 공업교육학과) ;
  • 김기수 (충남대학교 기술교육과)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.31


The purpose of this study is to contemplate the relationship between a cognitive styles(field-independence/dependence, Fl/D)and a technological problem solving(TPS) among the industrial high school students. When it comes to perception, remembrance and consideration, we all have our own individual and steady patterns. We call them cognitive styles. FI/D is one kind of cognitive styles and it is about how dependently we perceive the field which each object has. Custer(1995) presented the technological problem among problem solving existed in various types as organizing it with four conceptional frames, which are invention, design, trouble shooting and procedures. We tested 56students belong to B industrial high school in A city, Korea. We used Group Embedded Figures Test(GEFT) to experiment the FI/D cognitive styles. We also did the TPS test by using an appliance which a researcher has developed. The appliance was made according to the technological problem and its validity was justified by an expert. We came up with a correlation coefficient between the FI/D cognitive styles and TPS to figure out what kind of relationship those two variable factors have and how much they are correlated each other. The correlation coefficient turned out ".59" which means they have significant and positive correlation.To find out the TPS difference between FI group and FD group, we compared each group's TPS score. As a result of the analysis, the FI group's TPS score is significantly higher than FD group's one.



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