- 아동학회지 v.22 no.4 어머니의 양육행동과 유아의 사려성이 유아의 자기통제행동에 미치는 영향 강기숙;이경님
- 유아의 기질, 유아가 제공한 통제계기, 어머니의 통제책략과 유아의 자기통제 행동과의 관계 곽혜경
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- 3세 아동의 만족지연 행동에 영향을 미치는 요인들 : 아동의 성, 기질, 어머니의 양육행동을 중심으로 김수혜
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- 인간발달 I 박성연
- 자기의 탐색 박아청
- 유아의 기질 및 어머니의 양육방식과 유아의 자기조절행동 발달간의 관계 박호선
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- 발달심리학 송명자
- 어머니에 대한 배려가 자기통제에 미치는 효과 정영숙
- 한국 아동의 기질 유형과 어머니의 양육태도 천희영
- 아동의 기질, 어머니의 양육행동 및 보육경험이 남녀 아동의 불순응 행동에 미치는 영향 하지영
- 유아의 기질과 어머니의 양육태도와 유아의 자기통제와의 관계 최지현
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- 어머니의 언어유형과 아동의 타인 사고추론 능력과의 관계 최연희
- Wayward youth Aichorn, A.
- Temperament in infancy;Handbook of infant development Bates, J.E.;Osofsky, J.D.(ed.)
- Class, Codes and Control(vol.1) : Theoretical studies towards sociology of language Bernstein, B.A.
- Self-regulation in early childhood : Nature and Nurture Bronson, M.B.
- Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development Socialization of Self-regulation : Continuity and Discontinuity Over Age and Context Brownell, C.;Etheride, W.;Hugerford, A.
- Temperament : Early developing personality traits Buss, A.H.;Plomin, R.
- Child Development v.69 Fear and anger regulation in infancy : Effects on the temporal dynamics of affective expression Buss, K.;Goldsmith, H.
- Child Development v.62 Effects of maternal employment on maternal and two-year-old child behavior Corckenberg, S.;Litman, C.
- International Journal of Behavioral Development v.18 Maternal control and two-year-old's compliance and defiance Crockengerg, S.;Rothbaum, F.
- Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease v.169 Temperament characteristics and behavioral problems in three-year-old children Earls, F.
- Developmental Psychology v.39 Toddlers' self-regulated compliance to mothers, and fathers : Implications for theories of socialization Feildman, R.;Klein. P.S.
- Social control and socialization Gumpertz, J.J.
- Developmental perspectives on the self-system;Handbook of child psychology; Vol. 4 Socialization, personality, and social development Harter, S.;Mussen, P.(Series. ed.);Hetherington, E.M.(Volume ed.)
- American Psychologist v.32 Changes in family roles, socialization and sex difference Hoffman, L.W.
- Galen's prophecy Kagan, J.
- Mothers' and fathers' verbal interactions with children learning language Kauffman, A.L.
- Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology v.47 Self-control in children : Development of a rating scale Kendall, P.C.;Wilcox, L.E.
- Child Development v.64 Toward a synthesis of parental socialization and child temperament in early development of conscience Kochaska, G.
- Child Development v.66 A Longitudinal Study of the roots of Preschoolers' Conscience : Committed Compliance and Emerging Internalization Kochaska, G.;Aksna, N.;Koenig, A,L.
- Development Psychology v.36 Effect control(EC) in Early Childhood : Continuity and Change, Antecedents, and Implications for Social Development Kochaska, G.;Murray. K.;Harlan, E.T.
- Journal of Personality v.65 Implications of mother's personality for their parenting of their young children's developmental outcomes Kochanska, G.;Clark, L.A.;Goldman, M,S.
- Child Development v.72 The Development of Self-regulation in the First Four Years of Life Kochanska, G.;Coy, K.C.;Murray, K.
- Developmental Psychology v.18 Antecedent of Self-Regulation : A Developmental Perspective Kopp, C.B.
- Developmental Psychology v.25 Regulation of distress and negative emotions : A developmental view Kopp, C.B.
- Developmental Psychology v.20 Socialization and mother-child interactions : Strategies for long term and short-term compliance Kuczynski, L.
- The father-child relationship : A synthesis of biological evolutionary and social perspectives;Perspectives on parental behavior Lamb, M.E.;Hoffman, L.W.(ed.);Gandelman, R.(ed.)
- Developmental Psychology v.26 Child and parent effects in boy's conduct disorder : A reinterpretation Lytton, H.
- Developmental Psychology v.28 The role of parents in the socialization of children : An historical overview Maccoby, E.E.
- Social Development : Psychological growth and Child Relationship Maccoby, E.E.
- The psychology of sex differences Maccoby, E.E.;Jacklin, C.N.
- Child Development v.42 Maternal control and obedience in the two-year-old Minton, C.;Kagan, J.;Levine, J.A.
- Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology v.62 Father-absence and delay of gratification Mischel, W.
- Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology v.62 Delay of gratification, need for achievement and acquiescence in another culture Mischel, W.
- Effective plans for self-control in children;Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology Mischel, W.;Patterson, C.J.;Collins, A.(ed.)
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.21 Cognitive and attentional mechanisms in delay of gratification Mischel, W.;Ebbesen, E.B.;Zeiss, A.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.28 Effects of attention to symbolically presented rewards on self-control Moore, B.
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology v.18 Early antecedents of childhood impulsivity : The role of parent-child interaction, cognitive competence, and temperament Olson, S.L.;Bates, J.E.;Bayles, K.
- Human Development;인간발달 I Papalia, D.E.;Olds, S.W.;Feildman, R.D.;박성연(譯)
- Child Development v.51 Developmental changes in verbal and behavioral sensitivity to cues of social norms of altruism Peterson, L.
- Developmental Psychology v.30 Compliance and self-assertion : Young children's responses to mothers verse fathers Power, T.G.
- Developmental Psychology v.3 Influence of onset and type of parental absence on the first four Erikson development crises Santrock, J.W.
- Social & General Psychology Monographs v.5 Child and Maternal correlates on impulse control in 24month-old children : Correction, Genetics Silveman, I.;Ragusa, D.M.
- Temperament and development Thomas, A.;Chess, S.
- Journal of Applied Development Psychology v.5 Interpersonal problem-solving skills training with aggressive young children Vaughn, S.R.;Ridley, C.A.;Bullock, D.D.
- Journal of Educational Psychology v.82 Relations among family interaction patterns, Classroom self-restraint, and academic achievement in preadolescent boys Wentzel, K.R.;Feldman, S.S.
- Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescence Psychiatry v.26 Symptoms, temperament, resiliency and control in anxiety-disordered preschool children Wolfson, J.;Field, J.H.;Rose, S,A.