프로젝트 접근법이 장애통합교실의 일반유아와 장애유아의 사회성발달에 미치는 효과

Effects of the Project Approach on Social Development of Children With and Without Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms

  • 김수영 (대구 카톨릭대학교 아동학과) ;
  • 정정희 (경북대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 김주연 (대구미래대학 유아교육과)
  • 투고 : 2004.10.31
  • 심사 : 2004.12.27
  • 발행 : 2005.02.28


This study examines the effects of project approach to promote social development of children with and without disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Participants in this study were 22 children with disabilities and 86 children without disabilities enrolled in 4 classes at two inclusive daycare centers. The experimental group implemented the project approach and the control group followed a traditional early childhood curriculum. An ANCOVA was conducted with mean difference scores in pre- and posttests between experimental and control groups. Significant differences between control and treatment groups existed in social development of children without disabilities, but no significant changes were found in children with disabilities. From the findings, we inferred that the project approach is an effective curriculum model for inclusion. Implications for classroom practices and recommendations for future research were suggested.



  1. 학습장애연구 v.13 no.2 발달장애유아의 유치원 통합교육 연구 구대회
  2. 한국영유아보육학 v.24 장애유아 통합교육의 사례분석 구본권
  3. 유아를 위한 교수학습방법의 이해 권영례
  4. 프로젝트 접근법에서 집단 크기에 따른 유아의 사회적 행동 및 프로젝트 수행능력에 관한 연구 권희옥
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  6. 비교교육연구 v.11 no.2 전반적 발달장애아를 위한 한국 유치원 통합교육위 효과 김미경
  7. 사회성숙도 검사 김승국;김옥기
  8. 특수교육 연구 v.9 no.1 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 적용가능성 탐색 김영아
  9. 아동학회지 v.20 no.3 친사회적 토의활동이 유아의 사회적 기술에 미치는 영향 김영옥;윤경선
  10. 빛과 그림자 프로젝트 전개과정 김지연
  11. 유아의 사회성 발달을 위한 프로그램 개발 연구, 한국어린이육영회 학술보고서, 4 노영희;박찬옥;이원영
  12. 특수교육학 문장원;최재욱;황해익;김진희
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  15. 잠망경 프로젝트 박선미
  16. 발달장애학회지 v.4 효율적인 통합교육을 위한 유치원 교육과정의 운영에 관한 ㅇㄴ구 서현아
  17. 공룡 프로젝트 신은수
  18. 레지오 에밀리아의 접근법에 따른 자전거 프로젝트의 전개과정 우명자
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  20. 유아교육연구 v.22 no.2 장애유아 통합교육의 성공적 실천의 방해요인에 관한 연구 유수옥;박현주;박랑규;강우선
  21. 유아사회지도 유효순;홍순정
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  23. 유아특수교육 이상복;이효신
  24. 초등교육연구 v.10 장애아동과 일반아동의 성공적인 통합교육-일반학급에서의 사회적 통합을 중심으로 이소현
  25. 유아교육연구 v.24 no.2 장애유아의 사회적 통합촉진을 위한 사회적 상호작용 증진 활동이 일반유아들의 사회적 행동에 미치는 영향 이소현
  26. 미래유아교육학회지 v.10 no.2 통합된 장애유아에 대한 수정된 몬테소리 지도의 효과 이영숙
  27. 아동학회지 v.15 no.1 유아교육 프로그램 평가척도 개발에 관한 예비연구 이은해;이기숙
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  29. 유아교육연구 v.22 no.2 장애유아의 사회적 촉진을 위한 중재가 통합학급 유아들의 장애유아 수용도에 미치는 영향 조윤경;이소현
  30. 프로젝트 접근법이 유아의 학습준비도, 사회, 정서발달, 자아개념 및 프로젝트 수행능력에 미치는 효과 지옥정
  31. 한국유아교육학회 2003 연차 학술대회자료 장애유아의 성공적 통합교육을 위한 사회적 기술에 대한 교사와 어머니의 인식 최남정
  32. 유아교육사전 한국유아교육학회
  33. 통합교육을 위한 장애유아의 사회적 기술에 대한 일반교사의 요구수준 비교연구 황선숙
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  37. Journal of Creative Behavior v.33 no.2 Improving the measurement of divergent thinking attitudes in organizations Basadur, M.;Tagger, S.;Pringle, P.
  38. Early Childhood Education: Curriculum Resource Handbook Borgia, E.J.
  39. Ecological systems theory;Six theories of child development Bronfenbrenner, U.;Vasta, R.(ed.)
  40. Psychology in the Schools v.30 no.1 The relationship among attributions, divergent thinking and retention of nonsense syllables and nomelated words Chandler, T.A.;Pengilly, J.W.
  41. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development v.51 no.2 Social competence in children, Serial No. 213 Dodge, K.A.;Pettit, G.S.;McClaskey, C.L.;Brown, M.
  42. The hundred language of children; The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education Edwards, C.;Gandini , L.;Forman, G.
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  44. The roots of prosocial behavior in children Eisenberg, N.;Mussen, P.H.
  45. Putting research to work: Multiple Intelligence Instructor Gardner, H.
  46. Journal of Intervention v.22 The nature and meaning of social integration for young children with mild developmental delays in inclusive settings Guralnick, M.J.
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  48. American Journal on Mental Retardation v.100 Immediate effects of mainstreamed settings on the social interactions and social integration of preschool children. Guralnick, M.J.;Connor, R.T.;Hammond, M.A.;Gottman, J.M.;Kimish, K.
  49. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology v.17 Effects of social setting on the friendship formation of young children differing in developmental status Guralnick, M.J.;Gottman, J.M.;Hammond, M.A.
  50. Developmental Psychology v.24 Friendships of preschool children in mainstreamed playgroups Guralnick, M.J.;Groom, J.M.
  51. Developmental Psychology v.20 Peerrelated social interactions of developmentally delayed children : Development and characteristics Guralnick, M.J.;Weinhouse, E.M.
  52. The educational consultant Heron, T.E.;Harris, K.C.
  53. Journal of the Division for Early Childhood v.8 Individualized group instruction of normally developing and autistic-like children: A description and evaluation of the LEAP curriculum model Hoyson, M.;Jamieson, B.;Strain, P.S.
  54. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology v.31 no.2 The influence of overcoming fixation in mathematics towards divergent thinking in open-ended mathematics problems on Japanese junior high school students Imai, T.
  55. Integrating handicapped and nonhandicapped preschool children within a cognitively oriented program;Early intervention and the integration of handicapped and nonhandicapped children Ispa, J.;Matz, R.D.;Guralnick, M.(ed.)
  56. Cooperative learning and mainstreaming;Integrating strategies for students with handicaps Johnson, D.W.;Johnson, R.T.;Gaylord- Ross, R.(ed.)
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  58. The teacher's assessing the social development of young children (ERIC ED 346 988) Katz, L.G.;McCllelan, D.
  59. Special education for the early childhood years Lerner, J.;Mardell-Czudnowski, C.;Goldenberg, D.
  60. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education v.13 Free effects of integration on levels of autistic behavior McGee, G.G.;Paradis, T.;Feldman, R.S.
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  66. Social interaction skills interventions for young children with disabilities in integrated settings;Integrating young children with disabilities into community programs Odom, S.L.;Brown, W.H.;Peck, C.A.(ed.);Adorn, S.L.(ed.);Bricker, D.D.(ed.)
  67. TECSE v.19 no.2 Relative effects of intervention supporting the social competence of young children with disabilities Odom, S.L.;McConnell, S.R.;McEvoy, M.A.;Peterson, C.;Cstrdsky, M.;Chandler, L.K.;Spicuzza, R.;Skellenger, A.;Creighton, M.;Favazza, P.C.
  68. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education v.10 no.2 Mainstreaming at the preschool level : Potential barrier and tasks for the field Odom, S.L.;McEvoy, M.A.
  69. Social relationships of children with disabilities and their peers in inclusive preschool classrooms;Widening the circle : Including children with disablilties in preschool programs Odom, S.L.;Zercher, C.;Marquart, J.;Li, S.;Sandall, S.R.;Wolfberg, P.;Odom, S.L.(ed.)
  70. Applied Measurement in Education v.12 no.3 Effects of allowing examinations to select questions on a test of divergent thinking Power, D.E.;Bennett, R.E.
  71. Educational Leadership v.58 no.1 How Reggio Emilia encourages inclusion Rebecca, E.K.;May, F.L.
  72. The dimension of social compe-tence : Contributions from a variety of research areas;Social Competence Sarason, B.R.;Wine, J.D.(ed.);Smye, M.D.(ed.)
  73. Instructional interventions to improve social competence;Best Practices in Mental Disabilities, Volume two Sargent, L.R.;Robinson, G.A.(ed.)
  74. Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities v.3 Generalization of autistic children's social behavior change : Effect of developmentally integrated and segregated settings Strain, P.S.
  75. Journal of the Division for Early Childhood v.10 Class deportment and social outcomes for normally developing and autistic-like children in an integrated preschool Strain, P.S.;Hoyson, M.;Jamieson, B.
  76. Developmental Review v.3 no.1 Social competence as a developmental construct Waters, E.;Soroufe, L.A.
  77. 주제 접근법의 사례연구 최소자