순수물질에 대한 증발엔탈피 상관식의 제안 및 성능비교

A Proposal of a Correlation of the Enthalpy of Vaporization for Pure Substances and Performance Comparison of Correlations

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Published correlation equations of the enthalpy of vaporization are reviewed and a new four-parameter correlation equation is proposed. Performance of the proposed equation is examined using the ASHRAE data for 22 pure substance refrigerants as reference data. The new equation yields an average absolute deviation of $0.05\%$, which is smaller than those of published equations, such as equations of Guermouche-Vergnaund $(0.08\%)$, Aerebrot $(0.13\%)$, Radoz-Lydersen $(0.08\%)$, and Somayajulu $(0.08\%)$. The three adjustable parameters of the modified correlation are optimized and reported for 22 substances. The equation proposed in this work is valid over the entire temperature range where data points exist.



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