원형 핀이 부착된 실린더 주위의 유체 유동에 관한 수치적 연구

A Numerical Study on the Fluid Flow Past a Cylinder with a Periodic Array of Circular Fins

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Three-dimensional, time-dependent solutions of fluid flow past a circular cylinder with a periodic array of circular fins are obtained using an accurate and efficient spectral multidomain methodology. A Fourier expansion with a corresponding uniform grid is used along the circumferential direction. A spectral multidomain method with Chebyshev collocation is used along the r-z plane to handle the periodic array of circular fins attached to the surface of the cylinder. Unlike the flow past a circular cylinder, Second instabilities like mode A and mode B are not found in the Reynolds number range $100\~500$. It is found that three-dimensional instability of vortical structures is suppressed due to the presence of fin. The present numerical solutions report the detailed information of flow quantities near wake of finned cylinder.



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