노년기 여성의 자아통합감과 인구통계적 특성, 건강 및 외모행동과의 관련 연구

Ego Integrity, Appearance Behavior, Health, and Demographic Variables of Elderly Women

  • 이은실 (진주국제대학교 패션액세서리학과) ;
  • 안성아 (진주국제대학교 미용예술학과)
  • Lee, Eun-Sil (Department of Fashion Accessory, Jinju International University) ;
  • Ahn, Seong-Ah (Department of Beauty Design, Jinju International University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The purposes of this study were to investigate the differences of appearance behavior and ego integrity of elderly women according to demographic variables, and health, and to examine how the ego integrity of elderly women was influenced by appearance behavior, health, and demographic variables. The subjects were 117 elderly women(aged 60 to 70) in Jinju, Korea who were interviewed face-to face with a survey questionnaire. The results of the study were as follows. There were significant differences in appearance adornment and ego integrity (wise living and attitude toward life) according to age. After controlling for age, there were significant differences in appearance interest, makeup, and ego integrity according to education. There was a significant difference in ego integrity (attitude toward life) according to the presence of a spouse or mate. There were significant differences in appearance interest, makeup, and ego integrity according to health. Health and education had a significant effect on satisfaction with the present living. Health, age(-), and appearance behavior had a significant effect on wise living. Health, age(-), and education had a significant effect on attitude toward life. Education and health had a significant effect on appearance behavior. The present findings indicate that health state and appearance behavior, such as appearance interest and makeup, had a significant effect on the ego integrity of elderly women. On the whole, the ego integrity of elderly women was positively correlated with the level of health state, education, and appearance behavior.



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