아버지의 특성이 영재유아와 일반유아의 창의성에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Fathers' Characteristics on the Creativity of Gifted and Non-gifted Preschool Children

  • 이순복 (위덕대학교 교육학부 유아교육)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of father's characteristics on the creativity of gifted preschoolers and nongifted preschoolers. Father's personality, creative personality and parenting self-efficacy were included in father's characteristics. The study subjects were 96 gifted and 180 non-gifted preschoolers and their fathers. Instruments were the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking(Torrance, 1984: Kim et al., 2002), Revised NEO-Personality Inventory(Costa & MaCrae, 1992), What Kind of Person Are You Scale of the Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory(Khatena & Torrance, 1976: Kim et al., 2004), and Parenting Efficacy Scale(Choe et al., 2001). The results showed that extroversion, healthy ability and disciplined ability of the gifted preschoolers' fathers influenced the children's fluency of creativity, while the disciplined imagination of gifted preschoolers' fathers influenced children's elaborateness of creativity. Regarding non-gifted children, the intimacy of the non-gifted preschoolers' fathers influenced the children's fluency of creativity, the general parenting ability of non-gifted preschoolers' fathers influenced children's abstractness of titles of creativity, the general parenting ability of non-gifted preschoolers' fathers the influenced children's elaborateness of creativity, and general parenting ability and learning guidance ability of non-gifted preschoolers' fathers influenced the children's resistance to premature closure of creativity.



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