A Spatial-domain Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer: Application for Analyte Measurement in Cell Culture Media

  • Received : 2005.09.22
  • Published : 2005.12.01


A spatial-domain Fourier Transform (FT) infrared (IR) spectrometer coupled with a PtSi Schottky­barrier IR detector plane was developed in the spectral range of $2.0-2.5{\mu}m$ for noninvasive measurement of analyte concentrations in cell culture media during cell culture processing. A key optical component of the spectrometer is a Savart plate which is a birefringent polarizer generating coherent two rays for interfering. The spectral resolution of the spectrometer was determined as $71cm^{-1}$ (${\~}0.05{\mu}m$ at $2.5{\mu}m$). Clear IR fringe patterns were imaged on the IR detector plane. The feasibility of the spectrometer for our application was investigated by measuring absorbance spectra of glucose and fetal bovine serum (FBS) which are important compounds in cell culture media. Experiment results show that the spectral quality of glucose and FBS was comparable with the standard spectra acquired with a commercial FT-IR spectrometer, presenting the feasibility of the spectrometer to perform analyte measurement in cell culture media.



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