현대 패션에 나타난 장르간 하이브리드에 대한 연구

A Study on the Hybrid of Different Genres in Contemporary Fashion

  • Kim, Ja-Min (Dept. Clothing & Textiles, Seoul National University) ;
  • Ha, Ji-Soo (Dept. Clothing & Textiles, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


This study aims to find out how the deconstruction and combination of genres is being carried out in modern art and design, to look at the role of art and fashion in modern culture through a study of genre hybrid tendencies in fashion, and to reposition fashion as a tool that sensitively reflects changes in society and culture. The heightening of deconstructionism, gadgets, high technology which provide a background for the fall of all art and design styles and genres and the overlap and diffusion of different styles, is the fundamental reason behind genre hybrid. In the genre hybrids of fashion, the four characteristics of nomadism, amusement, wearability and noticeability were especially strong. As a result of studying the genre hybrids in modern fashion, I found out that the idea of wearing in fashion was made easier with the deconstruction and combination of fashion with different genres. It was also apparent that the genre hybrid phenomenon will continue in the future due to the continuous development of technology.



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