Girl-Favored Tessellations Using Technology

  • Sangsook Choi-Kho (Department of Mathematics Education, College of Education, Dankook University)
  • Published : 2005.09.01


Tessellations are the pattern of iterations of geometric symmetry and translation. We can find them in the works of Escher who is the famous Dutch artist, and the American Indean life. Also, we can find the beauty of tessellations in the Korean traditional house door, Buddist temple architecture, palace's fence, etc. In the article, the figures of patterns we present are bird, fish, cat, pig, elephant, penguin, child and horse riding man, including Escher's, which are constructed using the computer geometric program, GSP (Geometer's Sketchpad). We want to talk about girl's disposition toward mathematics related to the figures. If they are supported by this kind of interesting figures constructed by their own hands, students will have more interest in learning geometric figures.
