자폐아 어머니의 장애적응과정과 지지

Adaptation Processes of Mothers of Children with Autism

  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


This study aims at investigating the adaptation process of the mothers of autistic children. A qualitative research method was adopted for this study: in-depth interviews were conducted using semi-structured questionnaires, then the transcribed interviews were analyzed to sort out patterns of adaptation and social support. Major results of the study are as follows: First the interviewees had common processes and patterns in their experiences and went through similar emotional and psychological processes. More specifically, most of the interviewees went through the stages of denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, the interviewees did not experience the stages in the exact sequence, as the stages sometimes would repeat, or would overlap one with another, Second, the data showed that many of the mothers of autistic children could not obtain the social support that they acutely needed Also, it was found that when adequate social support was provided, it relieved the stress of the interviewees, improved their adaptation, reduced the negative effects of crises or changes in the family, and further strengthened the solidarity of the family.



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