Evaluation on the Phosphate Uptake Rate of Green Algae under Diurnal Rhythm and Algae Control Method

일주기에 따른 녹조류의 인흡수율 및 조류제어방법 평가

  • Jang Kam-Yong (Department of Medical Science, Konyang University) ;
  • Lim Kyoung-Mook (CleanWorid Hi-Tech Corporation) ;
  • Noh Tae-Mok (CleanWorid Hi-Tech Corporation) ;
  • Lee Hac-Su (CleanWorid Hi-Tech Corporation) ;
  • Park Sung-Ha (Department of Chemical Engineering & Chemical Technology, Hanbat National University)
  • Published : 2005.09.01


This study was investigate to evaluate the phosphate uptake rate of green algae in relation to diurnal rhythm and algae control method. The phosphate uptake rates of Chlorella vulgaris and Ankistrodesmus convolutus increased in light period and decreased in dark period. On the contrary, those of Chlamydomonas sp. showed a peak in the late dark period. The differences among species in phosphate uptake in relation to diurnal rhythm were due to the severe competition among species and seemed to alleviate the competition for nutrient supplies. The compound of CellCaSi, Ca and Fe showed the effective removal of the phosphorus. The extracts from rice and barley straw exhibited a significant effect on the growth inhibition of Microcystis aeruginosa.



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