광주$\cdot$전남지역 학교영양사의 한국 전통음식 활용실태에 관한 연구 -초$\cdot$$\cdot$고등학교의 비교-

A Study on the Utilization of Korean Traditional Food in Gwangju and Jeonnam Area Dietitians - For the Elementary, Middle and High Schools -

  • Jung Lan-Hee (Dept. of Home Economics Education, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Jeon Eun-Raye (Dept. of Food Technology, Sunghwa College)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the elementary, middle and high school food service utilization of traditional Korean food in Gwangju and Jeonnam Area dietitians, and to provide basic data for the utilization of traditional food in school food service. The conclusions of this study are as follows. The utilizations of traditional Korean food was remarkable among the dietitians who are elderly, have worked for a long time, are married and in elementary schools. For the elementary, middle and high schools, the utilization of rice was remarkable in Bombop(boiled rice and nuts)(p<.001), Okeukbop(boiled rice mixed with five grains)(p<.001), Potbop(boiled rice and red-bean)(p<.001), Boribop(boiled rice and barley)(p<.01), and Kongbop(boiled rice and beans)(p<.01) The utilization of one-dish meals was remarkable in Kongnamulbop(boiled rice and bean sprouts)(p<.001). The utilization of porridge was remarkable in Hobakjuk(pumpkin porridge)(p<.001) and Potjuk(red-bean porridge)(p<.001). The utilization of noodles was remarkable in Mandu soup(a bun stuffed with seasoned meat and vegetables)(p<.001) and Kalkuksu(cut noodles)(p<.001). The utilization of soup and pot stew was remarkable in Kongnamul soup(p<.001), sagolugeoji soup(p<.001), Calbitang(p<.001) and sullungtang(p<.001), kongbiji stew(p<.01), and soondubu stew(p<.05). The utilization of steamed dish and hard-boiled food was remarkable in green perilla stew(p<.001), fish stew(p<.001) and seasoned and steamed pollack(p<.01). The utilization of pan-boiled food stew was remarkable in small octopus stew(p<.001). The utilization of fried food or grilled food was remarkable in grilled fish(p<.001), bindaetteok(vegetable pancake)(p<.001), fried green pumpkin(p<.001), fried sea food with stone-leek(p<.001) and Buchu fried food(p<.001). The utilization of salad and cooked vegetables was remarkable in spinach salad(p<.001), cucumber salad(p<.001) and Kongnamul(bean sprouts)(p<.05). The utilization of Kimchi was remarkable in Baek kimchi(p<.001), Gat(leaf-mustard) kimchi(p<.001), Youlmu(young radish) kimchi(p<.01) and Oisobaki(p<.01). The utilization of desserts was remarkable in seasonable fruits(p<.001), Kangjung(p<.01), Tteok(rice cake)(p<.01) and Sik Hye(Cinnamon flavored persimmon punch)(p<.01).



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