과학관의 전시평가와 개선방안에 관한 기초연구 - 국립중앙과학관의 상설전시관을 중심으로 -

A Basic Study on the Exhibition Evaluation and Improvement in Science Museum - Focused on the exhibitions of the National Science Museum in Korea -

  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


To plan more effective exhibitions, exhibitions should be evaluated and verified through research. This is Important in that it will present measures for improving shortcomings in exhibition goals and procedures; and it will also provide new ideas and goals for future exhibition plans. The purposes of this study are to investigate the applicability of evaluation methods by organizing related theories systematically through a literature review and to provide more practical and valuable information about the methods by applying them to actual museums. For this study, the National Science Museum was investigated since it uses various themes and exhibition methods, compared with other science museums. Exhibition structures and presentation formats were first analyzed, and then the methods of trace and observation were used to investigate how visitors use the museum. Surveys were also conducted at two different times. The results of the analyses showed that problems of exhibits, arrangement methods of exhibition space, or guide systems are more prominent than those of the presentation format itself. Based on these results, measures for improvement are suggested as follows: First, new formats of exhibition halls using new window frames or holes should be explored to stimulate visitors' curiosity and to lead viewing traffic flow in the museum. Second, in presenting representative exhibits, a gate can be installed at each exhibition area, and representative exhibits are displayed by the gate or between exhibition booths. Third, if a small space is provided at the end of each exhibition area, it can be used to give an orientation on the next exhibition or used as a resting place.



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