The Gandhara Buddhist Robe and its Development in China

간다라 불의 형식의 시작과 중국으로의 전개

  • Published : 2005.08.01


The main feature of Buddhist sculpture Is said to lay in how it can materialize the divineness. Therefore lots of people used to pay attention to whether its religious features draw people's reverence or not. However, the robe of Buddhist sculptures has not won its proper attention. The Buddhist robe Is usually considered as a mere measure to make Buddha's supernatural feature more vivid. However, contrary to our expectation, the robe is the very real one which can be found in people's lift. The Gandhara Buddhist sculpture robe does not have sleeves, but several sheet of clothes covered the sculpture. Moreover, we can find same features in monk's robe which appeared in the Gandhara art. I can therefore conclude that this robe is not confined to Buddha, but is very popular one in that time in Gandhara. This article would survey the main feature and its relevant things about Gandhara Buddhist sculpture's robe, especially its change process while it had been transmitted to China.



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