The Study on the Marek(말액)

말액에 관한 연구

  • Kang Soon-Che (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Catholic Univ. of Korea) ;
  • Jeon Hyun-Sil (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Catholic Univ. of Korea)
  • 강순제 (가톨릭대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 전현실 (가톨릭대학교 의류학과)
  • Published : 2005.08.01


Marek(말액) is the headgear, which is a form of hempen hoods[Geon(건)] and the origin of it is Pa(파) of band form. A history book of an old Chinese country Post-Han $\ll$ History of HouHan (후한서)$\gg$ had recorded that a soldier wore a red band around his head that was called Pa(파). In the Han dynasty(한대), Pa had been transformed into Chaek(책) or a kind of a hemp rap(건) while e headgear had still remained as the band form and called Marek from e Tang era(당). The literatures of the Tang era had referred the red Marek of soldiers, and other literatures of the later period had recorded that of the previous headgears of the band form were related with Marek. Since the Tang era, white or yellow Marek except red one fer soldiers had been were by soldiers, musicians, dancers and singers in Yuan(원) and Ming(명) of China. The colors was recorded in red on documents mostly, this red implicated soldiers for symbol of terror. This fart was documented in an old history book $\ll$The history of 25 Eras(이십오사)$\gg$, On the other side, a wall painting in Princess Jeonghyo(정효공주)'s tomb of the Parhae(발해) period described the portraits of twelve persons, and among them, two Siwui(시위) put on the red Marek. Quoted from the record of a history book of the Tang era system , a history book of Three Kingdoms(삼국시대) of ancient Korea $\ll$Samguksaki(삼국사기)$\gg$ described that four dancers of Kogryo(고구려) wore Marek on their heads with the costumes of Koguryo, one of those Kingdoms. In consideration that the book of $\ll$Tongjun$\gg$ was the literature of the Tang era so that Marek mentioned in this book was followed by their name, the Marek of Koguryo dancers shown in the history book $\ll$Samguksaki(삼국사기)$\gg$ might be a kind of Koguryo style hemp cap[Geon(건)]. The Marek of Parhae had succeeded to the headgear of Koguryo and the identity was on Koguryo.



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