Survey on the Demand for Clinical Trial Centers for Oriental Medicine

한방임상시험센터의 수요 예측에 대한 조사연구

  • 서정철 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 김승호 (제한동의학술원, 경영학과) ;
  • 라중덕 (제한동의학술원, 경영학과) ;
  • 정승기 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 권영규 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학)
  • Published : 2005.06.01


Objectives: This study was carried out to estimate the demand for clinical trials and contribute to the consolidation of function and role in the clinical trial centers of oriental medicine. Methods: A survey of the demand was made of 379 faculties of oriental medicine in 11 oriental medical colleges throughout the country using two?part investigations by e-mail questionnaire over 1 month. The final data from 56 faculties were analyzed. Results: Clinical trials of oriental medicine have been continuously increasing. Furthermore, the demand and necessity for clinical trials of oriental medicine have also been continuously enhanced. Although there were arguments for and against the establishment of a clinical trial center for oriental medicine, the demand and necessity for the establishment was the overall consensus. Concerning objections, a high intention of use was observed. Conclusions: These results imply that the demand for clinical trials will increase remarkably through the establishment of a clinical trial center for oriental medicine. Further study is needed about the demand for such a center.
