중국 무용 복식을 통해 본 이국적 취향의 이입 현상에 관한 연구 - 한대부터 수당대 장수의과 우의를 중심으로 -

Research of the Exotic Fashion Observed in Chinese Dancing Costumes - From Han to Sui Tang Dynasty-

  • 윤지원 (서울여자대학교 의류학과)
  • Yoon Ji-Won (Department of Clothing Science, Seoul Women's University)
  • 발행 : 2005.07.01


Foreign culture, introduced by cultural exchange, was modified and accepted into a new form and value system. Culture speaks for the characters of the period, so it is presented by the mutual actions of many factors affecting culture. Religion is the essence of human life and the source of ideas about life, the universe and existence, so they become hidden inside of the structure of culture. Dancing costumes present the process of cultural modification and acceptance more vividly than general costumes. This research shows that, among foreign cultures, it is Buddhism that most influenced Chinese dancing costume. Taoism was the Chinese native religion that played an oppositional role against Buddhism. Taoism was hidden in Chinese dancing costume in every age. Chinese dancing costume changed many times due to the import of exotic styles such as Buddhism that partially replaced the Taoistic tradition. Therefore, it is confirmed that the process of cultural importation of exotic style was different according to the social, historical, and cultural backgrounds of China during the period from the Han to the Sui and Tang dynasties.



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