조선 중기 외래식품의 도입과 그 영향 - 서류.두류.채소류를 중심으로 -

Effect of the Introduction of Foreign Food in the Middle of Chosun Dynasty - Potato & sweet potato.bean pulse.vegetables -

  • 차경희 (전주대학교 문화관광대학 전통음식문화전공)
  • Cha, Gyung-Hee (Department of Traditional Food Culture, College of culture & Tourism, Jeonju University)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.31


War against Japanese(1592-1599) and war against Manchurian(1636-1637), which had been occurred in Korean Peninsula throughout the history, and frequent trade with foreign countries since $18^{th}$ century have led to a distribution of foreign food into Korea. Several examples for this include tomato, apple, watermelon, maize, pea, cowpea, peanut, potato from China and red pepper, pumpkin, and sweet potato from Japan. Since these foods had been brought into Korea, they have been cultivated suitable for Korea's climate and land. Foreign foods with a few exceptions tend to have high calories. For instance, along with potato and sweet potato, pumpkin is considered a high-calorie food containing lots of starches as it becomes ripening. This helped a wide spread of the foreign foods across the nation where intake of high-calorie foods was critical for Korean people's nutrition at that time. Among those foods introduced from foreign countries, red pepper had a greatest impact on the dietary life-style of Chosun Dynasty. The use of red pepper has been greatly expanded from main ingredient to seasoning and garnishing in various forms of red pepper such as red pepper paste, red pepper powder, and thick soy paste mixed with red pepper. Red pepper was made eating habits is hot besides dye red colored to traditional food, because steaming and boiling is frequently cook method, fermentation food also food color is achromatic therefore food color is and mixture with red pepper, picked fish and chinese cabbage new kimchi culture came into being.



  1. 해사일기(海?日記) 1764, 규장각소장 조엄
  2. 동서사학 v.8 고구마의 조선 전래 김재승
  3. 정조실록 041 18/12/25 戊寅
  4. 정조실록 050 22/11/30 己丑
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  7. 전환기의 조선(Korea in Transition) Gale, James Scanth;신복룡(譯)
  8. 조선견문기(Things Korea) Allen, Horace Newton;신복룡(譯)
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  10. 경세유표(經世遺表) 권 8 정약용;민족문화추진회(譯)
  11. 규합총서(閨閤叢書) 빙허각 이씨;정양완(譯)
  12. 서울풍물지(Korea from it's Capital) Gilmore, George William;신복룡(譯)
  13. 한국식품문화사 이성우
  14. 행포지(杏蒲志) 서유구;한국학문헌연구소(編)
  15. 감자이야기 래리 주커먼;박영준(譯)
  16. 조선후기 한강유역의 교통로와 장시 김종혁
  17. 청장관전서(靑莊館全書) 권 58 이덕무;민족문화추진회(譯)
  18. 오주연문장전산고;한국고식문헌집성 II 이규경;이성우(譯)
  19. 내가 본 조선, 조선인 카르네프;미하일로프;알프단;베벨리;다데슈칼라안;이르계바예브, A.;김정화(譯)
  20. 서울풍물지(Korea from it's Capital) Gilmore, George William;신복룡(譯)
  21. 조선과 그 이웃나라들(Korea and Her Neighbors) Bishop, Isabella Bird;신복룡(譯)
  22. 지봉유설 이수광;남만성(譯)
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  24. 서울풍물지(Korea from it's Capital) Gilmore, George William;신복룡(譯)
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  27. 정조실록 030 14/07/11 己丑
  28. 서울풍물지(Korea from it's Capital) Gilmore, George William;신복룡(譯)
  29. 현종실록 019 12/04/01 壬午
  30. 조선시대 농업과학기술사 김영진;이은웅
  31. 임원경제지, 本利志 권5, 種藝 上, 黍類, 種玉蜀黍法 서유구
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  34. 조선과 그 이웃나라들(Korea and Her Neighbors) Bishop, Isabella Bird;신복룡(譯)
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  39. 한국식생활문화학회지 v.6 no.4 한국 김치의 역사적 고찰 윤서석
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  51. 서울풍물지(Korea from it's Capital) Gilmore, George William;신복룡(譯)
  52. 임원경제지, 本利志 권5, 種藝 上, 黍類, 種玉蜀黍法, 완두초방(豌豆?方) 서유구
  53. 조선과 그 이웃나라들(Korea and Her Neighbors) Bishop, Isabella Bird;신복룡(譯)
  54. 농가월령가 정학유
  55. 국역 조선왕조실록(朝鮮王祖實錄) 조선왕조실록 CD-ROM 간행위원회
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