다학문적 접근을 통한 지역농업 클러스터의 단계별 추진전략

Promoting Strategies by Development Stage of Region Based Agricultural Cluster Using a Multi-disciplinary Approach

  • 발행 : 2005.12.25


This study investigates the core elements of the formation and development of cluster using a multi-disciplinary approach and suggests a promoting strategy by development stage of cluster. As a sub-category of regional innovation system, the cluster has been considered as one of the most noticeable methodological argument to make the regional innovation system come true. In the meantime, this study examines the core elements of cluster shown in the theories and examples through six academic fields such as economics, geography, regional development, business administration, sociology and pedagogy and their educational back-ground. By means of establishing the incubation stage in the development of cluster, core elements are composed in the stages of birth, incubation and evolution in subsequent manner. A promoting strategy will be suggested through the implication of core elements in the reestablished stages.



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