What do you Think Creativity is and Where can We Find it?

  • Published : 2005.08.01


Creativity can be defined as an art, the art of finding new solutions to old and emerging problems. Creativity's driving force may be a structured or a non structured process, though in either case intuition plays a major role. This particular art in this field is the product of employees' thought processes. By its nature, hinking is a free process. In the world of business, creativity is best able to express itself where people do their work with pleasure. Everybody is capable of being creative but organisations can stem the tide of creativity by putting various obstacles in its path. Creative organisations are characterised by particular values, oranisational forms and a conducive internal atmosphere.



  1. The definition is taken from Devoto G., Oli G.(1979), 'Dictionary of the Italian Language,' Le Monnier, Florence
  2. The definition is taken from Devoto G., Oli G.(1979), 'Dictionary of the Italian Language,' Le Monnier, Florence
  3. The etymology for the term 'creativity' is from Cortellazzo M., Zolli P.(1979), 'Dizionario etimologico della lingua italiana,' Zanichelli, Bologna
  4. This definition is Paolo Vergnani's, from Teatro d'Impresa, Lectures at the University of Verona, 2003
  5. Oscar Wilde said 'Il vero artista non si cura affatto del pubblico... Il vero artista e colui che crede assolutamente in se stesso, poiche egli e interamente se stesso'. The quotes are from Cuneo G., Unnia M.(1999), 'Ben detto,' Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan
  6. A seminar at the economics faculty of the University of Verona 'Words and ideas can change the world,' with the participation of Fiorella Mannoia and Massimo Bubola in 2003
  7. See Brown J.S., Duguid P.(2001), 'Creativity Versus Structure: A Useful Tension,' Sloan Management Review, Summer
  8. For more on this subject see Jaoui H.(1990), , ESF, Paris
  9. Ferrari Auto replaced the idea of continuous improvement with that of 'constant optimisation,' since 'the concept of improvement implies within it acceptance of starting out from a position of weakness,' See Pacher B.(1995), 'La qualita come processo di ottimizzazione costante: il caso Ferrari Automobili SpA,' edited by Baccarani C. in 'Saggi sulla qualita nell'economia d'impresa,' Cedam, Padova
  10. Two works by Salvatore Vicari provide interesting reading on the subject:(1992), 'Risorse aziendali e funzionamento d'impresa,' in Finanza Marketing e Produzione, No. 3, and (1998) 'La creativita dell'impresa,' Etas Libri, Milan
  11. The concept of lateral thinking was introduced by De Bono E.(1967), 'The use of lateral thinking'
  12. On the difference between rationality, non rationality and irrationality, see Simon H.A. (1987), 'Making Management Decisions: The Role of Intuition and Emotion,' The Academy of Management Executive, February
  13. Taken from Weick K.E.(1999), 'Il jazz e l'improvvisazione organizzativa,' Sviluppo & Organizzazione, No. 175, p. 120. The paper is published in English language in the review Organization Science, Vol. 9, No. 5, 1998
  14. From Berliner P. E, Thinking in Jazz: the Infinite Art of Improvisation. taken up by Karl E. Weick. 'Il jazz e l'improvvisazione organizzativa,' Sviluppo & Organizzazione
  15. For more on this subject see Gundry L. S.. Kickul J. R.. Prather C. W.(1994). 'Building the Creative Organization.' Organizational Dynamics, Spring
  16. If we may suggest a reading of our own, The Motivation Challenges and the Smile Solution. currently being published
  17. Levitt T.(2002), 'Creativity Is Not Enough' in The Innovative Enterprise. Harvard Business Review. August
  18. On the contrary. organisations should not be afraid of what they do not know, like Sergio Bambaren's Dolphin who. to the shark's comment 'You should be afraid of me' replies 'I am not afraid of what I don't know.' The Dolphin. 1994. The fear of organisations was also well treated in Steven Spielberg's film E.T., USA. 1982
  19. A passage from Ovid's Art of Loving goes: 'Nothing is stronger than habit'
  20. The subject can usefully be discussed on viewing Joe Johnston's film, October Sky, USA. 1999. The subject and also the film are analysed in the work by Baccarani C. Brunetti F.(2003). Dalla penombra alla luce. Un saggio sui cinema per 10 sviluppo manageriale, Giappichelli, Torino
  21. Very useful for reflection on this topic is the tale by Hesse H.(1917-18). Von der Seele, in Wieland
  22. From Jaoui H., La creativite, ESF, Paris
  23. Interesting for this topic is 'Creativita: cos'e e come svilupparla,' in L'arte di apprendere, Il Sole 24 Ore. Milano. 1996
  24. The concept has been discussed by Ward J. L.(2003). 'Creating a Culture of Change,' in Next Generation Meeting. Venice. May 31. Aidaf, www.aidaf.it
  25. The idea was introduced and discussed by Czarniawska B. at the conference Guardare e Raccontare le Imprese, verso un'antropologia dell'imprenditorialita e del management. Venice. 2002
  26. The subject is discussed in more detail in our The Motivation, at the conference Guardare e Raccontare le Imprese, verso un'antropologia dell'imprenditorialita e del management. Venice. 2002
  27. To take up one of Oscar Wilde's thoughts. it could be said that 'experience is the name men give to their mistakes.' Oscar Wilde. Aforismi, cit., p. 56
  28. From Goleman D.(2001). Emotional Intelligence. BUR Saggi, Milano, p. 193 in the Italian edition