퍼어스 기호학에 의한 한국전통공간디자인의 삼원론적 분석에 관한 연구

A Study on The Triadic analysis of Korean Traditional Space Design by Peirce's Semiotics

  • 박경애 (한양대학교 실내환경디자인학과) ;
  • 허범팔 (국민대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


As today's cultural environment entered the information society, one of the biggest trends of future is the interests of nationalism. The purpose of this study is to interpret interrelation between sign and space design and analyze Korean contemporary space how to universalize traditional conception and attitude in design. The process of this study is illustrated as follows: At first, this study contains basic concepts and theories of semiotics and discusses the possibilities of semiotic approaches in spatial designs. Since the most outspoken theorist in this field can be found in writings of C.S. Peirce, American philosopher, the theoretical basis for this research Is taken from the Peirce's Semiotics. Secondly, this research tries the conceptual approaches based on traditional thoughts of Koreans formed with the philosophic background occurred with the universe, religion and the nature. And then, it approaches for the typical characteristics of Korean traditional space to interpret the meaning and adopt the triadic structure of sign. The structure is classified in status, icon, index, and symbol to analyze the Korean contemporary space design. Finally, it examines the expression structure of the nature of Korea that is succeeded in contemporary space design as the semiotic analysis of the application examples ; and studies the examples that try to set and solve the concept of space in modern society as the real issues in our cultural situations.



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