2개월령의 체중 2.1 kg인 Shih Tzu 견이 검은색 피모의 탈모로 내원하였다. 탈모는 5주령부터 시작되었으며 소양감의 병력은 없었다. 탈모증상이외의 다른 증상은 관찰되지 않았다. 신체검사에서 탈모이외의 증상은 발견되지 않았으며 육안피부검사에서 몸통, 다리, 귀, 꼬리부위에서 흑색 피모의 현저한 탈모가 관찰되었다. 반면에 백색피모는 밀도와 감촉은 정상이었다. 박피검사에서 기생충은 발견피지 않았으며 진균배양 검사는 음성이었다 흑색피모의 현미경 검사에서 피모줄기에 침윤된 다량의 멜라닌색소로 인해 피모줄기 형태의 변형이 관찰되었다. 그러나 백색피모는 정상이었다. 따라서 발병시기, 흑색피모탈모, 피모의 멜라닌색소침착을 통해 Shih Tzu종에서 발생한 Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia 진단하고 증례보고하는 바이다
Two-month old male Shih Tzu weighing 2.1 kg was presented with alopecia in black-haired areas of the skin. The hair loss had been present since five weeks of age. There was no history of pruritus on any part of the body. No other symptoms had been recognized. Physical examination found no abnormalities other than hair loss. Skin examination showed marked alopecia of black-haired area of the body. The white areas appeared to have hair growth of normal density and texture. Affected pigmented areas showed no evidence of skin lesions. Skin scraping and fungal culture were negative. Microscopic examination of plucked black hairs showed marked pigment clumping in the remnants of the follicles and were mainly in telogen phase. But white hairs were normal in various stages of hair growth. The diagnosis of black hair follicular dysplasia was made based on the history, alopecia of the pigmented areas, the confinement of abnormalities to dark areas, and the normal unpigmented areas.