NYC-Space Allocation Rule을 이용한 병렬저수지 연계운영

Parallel reservoirs system operation using NYC-Space Allocation-Rule

  • 박기범 (안동과학대학 건설정보과) ;
  • 이순탁 (영남대학교 토목도시환경공학부)
  • Park Ki-Bum (Department of Construction Information, Andong Science College) ;
  • Lee Soon-Tak (School of Civil. Urban and Environment Engineering, Yeungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


In this study, an optimization technique was developed from the application of Allocation Rule. Average Allocation coefficients of the Andong and Imha dam compare constant water supply condition with vary water supply condition that are above the contribute ratio $67\%\~50\%$ the Andong dam in Rule(A)-Rule(C). In the Refill Season, Andong dam water supply contribution is higher than Imha dam at the Control point water supply. In the Allocation analysis results, Rule(A) is calculated storage ratio because Andong dam contribute to Control point larger than Imha dam which Andong dam storage is larger than Imha dam storage. Rule(B) calculated sum of the storage and inflow ratio for Andong dam and Imha dam, as Andong dam contribution is higher than Imha dam. Rule(C) calculated that sum of storage, inflow and water supply is divided average storage ratio, as the best results of the Allocation coefficients and water supply capacity. The results of storage analysis is larger vary water supply condition than constant water supply condition and the results of water supply analysis is larger vary water supply condition than constant water supply condition. Water supply deficit is decrease $30\%$ for vary water supply condition.



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