둘째 자녀 출산 희망에 대한 배우자간 차이와 이에 따른 집단간 특성 분석

The Characteristics of Couples by Their Desires for a Second Child

  • 천혜정 (이화여자대학교 소비자인간발달학과)
  • Cheon Hye-Jung (Dept. of Consumer Science and Human Development, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This study examines socio-demographic characteristics of married couples and their desire for a second child. Questionnaires were completed by 355 married men and women who have only one child currently. The participants were classified into four groups by their desire, or a lack thereof, for a second child. Group I consisted of married people who wanted to have another child, and whose spouse wanted the same. Members of Group II were in a marriage where only the wife wanted to have another child. Members of Group III were in a marriage where only the husband wanted a second child. Group IV consisted of participants who did not want another child, and whose spouse agreed with thor The research questions were (1) how different those four groups are in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, (2) what are the reasons to stop having children and to have another child, and (3) what are the perceptions of the current low fertility rate in Korea, and the policies designed to increase birth rata The results indicate that wife' age, husband's educational level, expectant level of household economy, age at marriage, marriage duration and the time length between marriage and birth of the first child were significantly different among the four groups. The reasons to stop having children were expected constraint of privacy and time, physical and psychological burden and economic pressure. The most pronounced reason for wanting another child was the desire to give their first child a sibling. Group III had more serious disagreement about having another child than did Group II. There were significant differences among the four groups in the perceptions of possible consequences of the low birth rate. These perceptions included: undermined competitiveness of the nation and weakened family ties.



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