A Study on Ductility Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beam without Shear Reinforcement Using Cockle Shells as Fine Aggregate

고막 패각을 잔골재로 사용한 전단보강근이 없는 철근콘크리트 보의 연성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2005.06.01


As a result of compressive strength, specimens having mixture rate of cockle shells of $15\%\;and\;20\%$ showed more increases of compressive strength than non-mixture specimens as age increases. Ductility capacity of specimens was higher in specimens mixing cockle shells than in specimens using general fine aggregates and specimen of $10\%$ of cockle shells was highest in ductility capacity. To sum up all experimental results, ductility capacity of specimen without shear reinforcement using mixture of cockle shell was higher than non-mixture specimen and it is considered that mixture of cockle shells up to $20\%$ as fine aggregate for concrete will be available. Continuous researches on durability, workability and economy of crushed cockle shells used for substitute fine aggregate of concrete will be needed.



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