노년 초기 재혼자의 결혼성립 과정과 결혼만족에 관한 연군

The Marital Process of Completion and Marital Satisfaction of Remarried People at Early Old Age

  • 최영아 (한국방송대학교 가정학과(전북지역))
  • Cho Young Ah (Dept. of Family Science, Korea National Open Univ.(Jounbuk Area))
  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


The Purpose of this study was to explore the relation between the marital process of completion and marital satisfaction. The Data was collected by in_depth personal interview. Fifteen respondents who had been remarried for over 5 years were chosen by a researcher independently from a province in South Korea and comprised 8 females(over 55 ages) and 7 males(over 60 ages ). The Results were as fellows: 1. The Remarriage process of completion was an important process for arranging a marriage with a partner. This process was reached through the remarriage motive of the remarried person who was chosen by introduction of a family member or a friend and through meeting with a familiar friend. The factors were remarriage motive, meeting with a spouse, children's response about remarriage, and remarriage decision. 2. The success of the marital process of completion depended on a support from families and friends in order to develop their conjugal relation. Therefore conjugal relation was an important relation in marital satisfaction. Particularly, the parents-child relation, relation between a stepbrother and stepsister, and social support for remarried persons were important relations in their marital satisfaction.



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