복잡한 해안지역에서 상세한 지헝고도 자료이용에 따른 대기 유동장의 영향에 관한 수치모의

Numerical Simulation of Effect on Atmospheric Flow Field Using High Resolution Terrain Height Data in Complex Coastal Regions

  • Lee Hwa Woon (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University) ;
  • Won Hye Young (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University) ;
  • Choi Hyun-Jung (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee Kang-Yeol (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


Recently air quality modeling studies for industrial complex and large cities located in the coastal regions have been carried out. Especially, the representation of atmospheric flow fields within a model domain is very important, because an adequate air quality simulation requires an accurate portrayal of the realistic three -dimensional wind fields. Therefore this study investigated effect of using high resolution terrain height data in numerical simulation. So the experiments were designed according to the detail terrain height with 3second resolution or not. Case 30s was the experiment using the terrain height data of USGS and Case 3s was the other using the detail terrain height data of Ministry of Environment. The results of experimental were more remarkable. In Case 3s, temperature indicated similar tendency comparing to observational data predicting maximum temperature during the daytime and wind speed made weakly for difference of terrain height.



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