Growth and characterization of CdTe single crystal by vertical Bridgman method

수직 Bridgman 법에 의한 CdTe 단결정 성장과 특성

  • Published : 2005.11.30


High quality CdTe single crystal for the solar cell fabrication was grown by vertical Bridgman method. The etch pits patterns of (111) surfaces of CdTe etched by Nakagawa solution was observed the (111)A compesed of Cd atoms with typical triangle etch pits of pyramid mode. From the photoluminescence measurement on (111)A, we observed free exciton ($E_{x}$) existing only high quality crystal and neutal acceptor bound exciton ($A^{0}$,X) having very strong peak intensity. Then, the full width at half maximum and binding energy of neutral acceptor bound exciton were 7 meV and 5.9 meV, respectively. By Haynes rule, an activation enery of impurity was 59 meV. Therefore, the origins on impurity level acting as a neutral acceptor were associated Ag or Cu elements.



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