청소년의 위험행동에 영향을 미치는 개인적 특성, 위험행동에 대한 태도, 부모 및 또래 변인

Individual Differences, Attitudes toward Risk Behaviors, Parents and Peers Correlates of Adolescent Risk Behaviors

  • Lee Ji-Min (Dept. of Child and Family Studies, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Bell Nancy (Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies, Texas Tech University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations between adolescent risk behaviors and correlates of risk behaviors. Questionnaires were completed by 955 high school freshmen in the Daegu${\cdot}$Kyungpook area and included measures of risk behaviors, coping, self-esteem, social competence, attitudes toward risk behaviors, parental attachment, autonomy, parental monitoring, and peers' risk behaviors. The major findings were as follows. (1) Parental attachment, autonomy, and appropriate parental monitoring were positively correlated with adolescent coping, self-esteem, social competence, and peers' desirable behaviors, but were negatively associated with peers' risk behaviors and attitudes toward risk behaviors. (2) Of all the variables, peers' risk behaviors and favorable attitudes toward smoking had the greatest influence on adolescent drinking and smoking, following by favorable attitudes toward drinking, social competence, and gender (3) Similar to adolescent drinking and smoking, of all the variables, peers' risk behaviors had the greatest influence on adolescent delinquency, following by favorable attitudes toward smoking and gender.



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