청소년기 여성의 분노와 문제행동 및 건강상태

Anger, Problem Behaviors, and Health Status in Adolescent Women

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Purpose: This cross-sectional study was designed to identify anger-expression types of adolescent women and investigate the relation between the identified anger-expression types and their problem behaviors and health status. Method: One hundred ninety nine high school freshmen were recruited from September to November, 2003. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, 2-test, ANOVA, and Duncan's multiple comparison test. Result: Three anger-expression types in adolescent women were found; Anger-out/in, Anger-control/in, and Anger-control type. Adolescent women with frequently using the anger-out/in type and with higher state anger reported more delinquent behaviors, more health risk behaviors, and higher psychosomatic symptoms. However, adolescent women with lower state anger and frequently using the anger-control type reported more depression scores. Conclusion: There is a need to further clarify the relationship between anger-expression type sand depression in adolescent women. The findings suggest the necessity of a development of the program for lowering the anger level and controlling the unfavorable anger expression types such as the anger-out in.



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