A Study on the Design Process for Building in District of Housing through Preferences of Design Concept Determinants

개념도출인자의 선호를 고려한 주거지역 건축물의 설계과정

  • Published : 2004.12.01


It is the purpose of this study that propose design process of building in residential district con-sidering preferences of design concept determinants. The procedure of this study is as follows : First, classifying concept determinants and then investigate the preference of concept determinants according to the use of building in residential district. It will be proposed the process of design concept determinants through such preferences. And We will investigate applicable steps for constructing an elementary school in land development district, in order to verify these process of architectural design. It was investigated paper-survey and case studies, made up questionnaires twice. In the results, we could verify that design process considering the preference of concept determinants in residential district. These results can help designers to design appropriately, according to building usage in residential district.



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