사운드스케이프 사상과 디자인의 개념 설정

A Study on the Concept of Soundscape Idea and it's Design

  • 발행 : 2004.09.10


Today, interest in soundscape idea is growing according to recognize the surrounding sounds as design target and to introduce them into environmental spaces positively. The word "soundscape" proposed by Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer is now very popular in the world. So various soundscape designs based on soundscape idea are carried on worldwide for acoustic ecology. Also in Korea, several researchers are carrying on studies about the soundscape, but basic concepts behind soundscape design are insufficiently defined and studied. In that sense, this study aims to review and to arrange the concept of soundscape Idea and soundscape desgn systematically. Through investigation of literature concerning soundscape study, the backgrounds and characteristics about soundscape idea were reviewed and concepts of soundscape design were arranged.



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