Alternatives for The Stable Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Combined Sewer System during Wet Weather

합류식 하수관거 지역에서 강우시 하수처리장 적정운영방안에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2004.03.30


The purpose of this study was to evaluate alternatives for stable operation of WWTP(Wastewater Treatment Plant) with a higher rate of inflows and a higher concentration of pollutants during wet weather to minimize the pollution loads being discharged into receiving waters. 3Q(Q: dry weather flow) of a base flow is normally intercepted and flows into WWTP as it was current practice. It is revealed by simulation that the bypassing alternative of 1Q through secondary treatment and 2Q into the stream after primary treatment was as good as it is expected. The bypass pollution loads were in the range of 23.9 ~ 38.5 % of the total loads flowing into the WWTP indicating that the bypassed flows need an extra treatment such as stormwater detention reservoir, high-rate coagulation with sedimentation, and step-feed. The high-rate coagulation with sedimentation was the most effective with respect to removal of the pollution loads.



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