가정에서 수돗물 사용 중에 방출되는 chloroform에 대한 흡입노출

Inhalation Exposure to Chloroform Released from Household Uses of Chlorinated Tap Water

  • Shin, Hye-sook (Gangwon Institute of Health & Environment) ;
  • Kim, He-kap (Department of Environmental Science, Kangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.30


Exposure to volatile disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as chloroform included in chlorinated tap water can occur during household activities via inhalation as well as ingestion and dermal absorption. This study was conducted to examine the significance of inhalation route of exposure since humans are unintentionally exposed to volatile DBPs while staying home. Two sets of experiments were carried out in an apartment to measure: 1) the variation of chloroform concentrations in the living room air following kitchen activities (cooking and dish-washing); and 2) the variation of chloroform concentrations in the bathroom and living room following showering. Cooking, dish-washing, and showering all contributed to the elevation of household chloroform levels. Even a few minutes of natural ventilation resulted in the reduction of the chloroform levels to the background. Estimates of daily chloroform doses and lifetime cancer risks suggested that inhalation of household air during staying home be a major route of exposure to chloroform and that ingestion be a minor one in Korean people. It is also suggested that ventilation be a simple and important measure of mitigating human exposure to volatile DBPs indoors.



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