대학캠퍼스 시설의 리모델링 경향과 수법에 관한 조사 연구

A Study on the Tendencies and Construction Methods of Campus Facilities Remodeling

  • 발행 : 2004.11.30


The aims of this study are proposal for architectural design guidelines and reviewing the remodeling tendencies in the campus facilities. To achieve these purposes, the architectural remodeling characteristics of 23 campus facilities have been investigated, and the technical construction methods were also analyzed for each one of these facilities. The results from this study are as follows : (1) The requests from the changes of academic plan and the degradation and obsolescence are highly occupied the causes of architectural remodeling in campus facilities. (2) In technical construction methods, the horizontal and vertical additions are effective in campus facilities remodeling. (3) According to the recent campus remodeling tendencies, the campus facility remodeling plan and schedule should be included in campus facility master plan.



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