Korean Journal of Adult Nursing (성인간호학회지)
- Volume 16 Issue 1
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- Pages.72-81
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- 2004
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- 1225-4886(pISSN)
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- 2288-338X(eISSN)
Factors Related to the Stage of Mammography Screening in Married Korean Women
기혼 여성의 유방조영술 검진 행위에 대한 영향요인
Hur, Hea-Kung
(Department of Nursing, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University) ;
Park, So-Mi
(Department of Nursing, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University) ;
Kim, Gi-Yon
(Department of Nursing, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
- Received : 2003.10.09
- Accepted : 2004.02.23
- Published : 2004.03.30
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine factors related to different stages of mammography screening based on the transtheoretical model (TTM) and health belief model (HBM). Method: 143 women were recruited from community centers in W city. The mean age was 44.08 (SD=7.78) and 74 (51.7%) had experienced education on preventative behavior related to breast cancer. The Decisional Balance Scale (Pros and Cons of mammography) and Stages of Adoption of Mammography Scale by Rakowski et al. (1992) and the revised Health Belief Model Scale (Perceived Seriousness, Perceived Susceptibility and Health Motivation) by Champion (1993) were used. Result: According to the stage of adoption of mammography, 17.4% of the women were In pre-contemplation, 45.5% in contemplation, 24.5% in action, and 12.6% in maintenance. The mean differences for pros, and the decisional balances between the stages of mammography adoption were significant (F=8.84, p=.000; F=7.20, p=.000). Education related to prevention of breast cancer was the most important variable. Prevention education, history of breast disease and pros of mammography explained the stages of mammography adoption (