인접 치주조직과 임플란트간 거리가 임플란트 주변 골흡수에 미치는 영향;임상 및 방사선사진 검사에 의한 후향적 연구

Influence of the adjacent periodontium and inter-implant distance on bone resorption around non-submerged implants;A retrospective clinical and radiographic study

  • 장문택 (전북대학교 치과대학 치주과학교실, 전북대학교 임상의학연구소)
  • Chang, Moon-Taek (Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.30


The aims of the present study are firstly to investigate the amount of bone loss around non-submerged implants placed in the posterior region and secondly to investigate the relationship between inter-implant and implant-tooth distance and peri-implant bone loss. Thirty-one subjects with 60 implants were selected consecutively from the implant patient pool at the department of Chonbuk National University Hospital. To be included in the study subject, the implant should have been functioned more than 6 months after loading. Inter-implant and implant-tooth distance, distance between implant shoulder and the first bone contact with the implant(DIB) were measured from the scanning image of the radiograph of each implant. The result showed that; 1. inter-implant distance has a statistically significant relationship with DIB in Pearson correlation analysis. 2. the DIB at the implant facing surface of the implant was greater than that of tooth facing surface of the implant. Within limitation of this study, it is suggested to place an implant not too closely to adjacent implants, and the presence of a tooth adjacent to an implant may keep the level of tooth-facing surface of the implant. Further studies with a prospective design are needed to elucidate the relationship between bone changes and various dimensions around implants.



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