Dynamic Forecasting of Market Growth according to Portable Internet Carrier Licensing Policy

휴대인터넷 사업자 선정 정책에 따른 동태적 시장 예측과 함의

  • Published : 2004.11.30


This paper attempts to explore the generic pitfalls of the traditional number-crunching methods adopted thus far for the forecast of newly emerging market trends, and present an alternative by introducingsystems thinking to the portable Internet service market as an example, followed by its rationale as a new tool for forecasting and some reasoning about why traditional methods are no longer appropriate. Most adoption models in general to forecast market trends have several limitations due to theirbasic assumptions and prospective. First, they fail to capture dynamic interactions among the factors involved over time, with implicit assumptions of 'unilateral causality' in that each factor contributes as a cause to the effect, i.e., causality runs one way; each factor acts independently the weighting factor of each is fixed, etc. Second, the number-crunching models have no way of taking into account the impact of delayed feedback often caused by introducing new policies and legislative changes on the whole system under investigation. Third, there is not a way to reflect the effect of competition by players.
