담석 치료에 사용되는 단방요법에 대한 담석성분의 용해 실험

The Study on the Solubility of the Ingredients of the Bilestone In the Solution of the Traditional Oriental Medicines

  • 최성모 (상지대학교 한의과대학 생화학교실)
  • Choi Sung Mo (Department of Biochemistry Laboratory, Oriental Medical College, Sangji University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This study was carried out to investigate the solubility of the ingredients of the bilestone in the solution of the traditional oriental medicines. The cholesterol and the calcium carbonate(CaCO₃) were chosen as the ingredients of the bilestone. Coicis Semen, Polygonum aviculare L, Maydis Stigmata, Allium tuberosum Rottler, and Raphanus sativa var. hortensis for. acanthiformis Makino were studied as the oriental medicines for the bilestone. The cholesterol had showed no solubility in all solutions of the traditional oriental medicines, but the calcium carbonate had showed the good solubility in all solutions of the traditional oriental medicines except Coicis Semen.



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  2. 담석증 대한소화기학회
  3. 證脈$\cdot$方藥合編 黃度淵
  4. 사전식 동의보감 사전식 동의보감 편찬위원회
  5. 漢醫學辭典 金賢濟;洪元植(편역)
  6. 기적의 민간 저항요법 손민
  7. 알기쉬운 민간요법 김용한
  8. 가나다라 민간요법 홍문화
  9. 몸에 좋은 부처님의학 가네마루 소테스(著);한기욱(譯)
  10. 고려민간요법 허창걸
  11. 민간 의료 백과 최태섭
  12. Merck Index(13th Ed.) Merck & Co. Inc
  13. 동의생리병리학회지 v.18 no.4 腎結石 치료에 사용되는 단방요법에 대한 결석성분의 용해 실험 최성모
  14. 일반화학 Masterton, W.L;Hurley, C.N.;전철호(외 譯)
  15. Organic Chemistry Allinger, N.L.;Cava, M.P.;De Jongh;D.C.;Johnson, C.R.;Lebel, N.A.;Stevens, C.L.
  16. 本草學 康秉秀(외 編著)