A Study on Building up Integrated Information System & Assistance System to Increase UN Procurement Market Access

UN조달시장 진출 활성화를 위한 종합정보시스템 및 지원체계 구축방안

  • Received : 2004.10.23
  • Accepted : 2004.12.03
  • Published : 2004.12.25


International Procurement refers to the actions governments and public institutions worldwide buy goods and services. With the WTO agreement on government procurement, most procurements are realized by bidding, which accelerates the opening-up of International procurement. Today International procurement has drawn the world's attention. The scale of international procurement market has been developing fast, reaching about US$ 5.55 trillion this year, In our country, however, due to the difficulty in initial market access to local procurement, the participation in taking international procurement is quite inactive, especially when compared with our exporting scale. The UN procurement market has procurement rules that countries which make contributions to UN and developing countries are favorably treated, and non-discriminatory and public competition in bidding and the optimum purchase are kept, and so on. It has its own head office and many subsidiary agencies. Actually the international procurement market offers an international marketplace for suppliers of all tangible goods and services. Therefore, UN and international procurement markets are great significant foreign markets to our country. But our country lagges behind in international procurement as it has not reached to our monetary contribution to UN. Therefore, it's essential to stimulate our company's participations in the UN procurement market. To fulfil this purpose, first of all, this study analyzes the current status of UN procurement market and Korea's current participation status. Then it investigates the procurement information system of UN and Korea's international procurement market information system as well as assistance system. Based on the above, by studying on the actual spots of the interview investigations on the registered firms in UNPD, this thesis discloses the problems with the Korea's national information system and assistance system on UN procurement market. Finally, this study raises the efficient plan for the integrated international procurement information system & assistance system.
