Robust Current Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by the Inverse LQ Method - An Evaluation of Control Performance Using Servo-Locks at Low Speed -

  • Takami Hiroshi (Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Systems Eng., Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Eng., Kyushu University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This paper describes the optimal current-control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor by the use of robust and simple current controllers, based upon the analytical procedure known as the inverse LQ (ILQ) design method. The ILQ design method is a strategy for finding the optimal gains based on pole assignment without solving the Riccati equation. It is very important to keep the motor in robust servo-lock. By experiments and simulations, we will show that the ILQ optimal servo-system with servo-lock is more insensitive at low speeds to variations in armature inductance than the standard PI servo-system. Variations in armature inductance have the greatest influence on the responses of a servo-system.



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